All natural barnyard bird feed supplements can benefit avians in a variety of ways.
OK, Forco had originally been developed for horses but many farmers, ranchers and pet owners are feeding it to their barnyard birds. Why? Because, as many insist, Forco helps keep their barnyard birds stay healthy. As a matter of fact, some say feeding Forco to their chickens and turkeys as responsible for solving other problems, such as feather picking. Hey, that ain’t chicken feed!
If you want to know more, a healthy discussion thread on other animal-specific web sites are not only informative but rather humorous as well.
It’s amazing to what lengths folks will go to assure their chickens, turkeys and other avian critters remain healthy! So, why not go ahead and amuse and educate yourself, all at the same time! »
We recommend feeding 1 oz of Forco each day for every ten birds.
By the way, if you’ve had personal experience with feeding Forco to your other-than-equine animals let me know and I’ll share your good words with others as well. After all, we all want our critters to be healthy don’t we? Chicken feed? You bet!
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