The best example of this is when your horse is treated with antibiotics. Antibiotics kill all the bugs… good bugs, bad bugs, it doesn’t matter to antibiotics. If you’ve had to give your horse antibiotics for anything, after a treatment course of antibiotic is completed how does your horse look? As my mother would have said: “A little peaked.”
Beneficial bacteria as well as pathogenic bacteria have been effectively killed and so takes a while for the beneficial bacteria to regroup and blossom.
How I first learned about the benefits of Forco was when I had a big grey thoroughbred who got some kind of crud, coliced and subsequently sort of recovered. He would stand in his pen, look at me as if to say “I might die any day now.” Concerned, I gave him everything I or the vets could think of, vitamin this, lactobacillus that, and almost everything in between. None of it helped. Then one of my clients, Gwen Leino, told me about Forco. I then took my grey off everything, gave him two ounces of Forco a day, all the grass hay he would eat, about seven pounds of alfalfa a day along with a mineral I really like called Cal’s Minerals and free choice salt. After about a week, he brightened up and kind of said to me: “Well, I might not die after all.”
During the following six months he gained about 300 pounds. I thought to myself: “This is pretty good stuff”. I subsequently recommended it to my training clients, with great, consistent success. I looked on the Internet and couldn’t find any place to buy it and so started ForcoColorado.com. While I’m in no way ready to buy a private jet for my horses and me, but sales have increased every year simply because horse people really like what it does for their animals, as do I. We frequently get very positive unsolicited email about it and have yet to get a single word from anyone who is unhappy with Forco in any way.
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