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International Horse Resources

Natural Horsemanship Clinicians & Trainers


Jim Rea – The Colorado Natural Horsemanship Center â€“ One of Colorado’s best known horse trainers and gentlers using the Natural Horsemanship techniques espoused by the best horse trainers in the USA.

​ â€“ Kim Walnes was one of the first riders on the US Equestrian Team to use Natural Horsemanship and centered riding, she was ridiculed by many in the horse establishment for her views. Her results speak for themselves. She now travels doing clinics and private instruction, if you ever have a chance to go to one of her clinics or take a lesson from her it will certainly change your riding and maybe change your life.


Mark Rashid Horse Training – Consider the Horse â€“ Mark Is one of the people who has most affected my methods and philosophy. When you buy one of his books, you won’t be able to put it down, at least I can’t. Mark is also a favorite of Kim Walnes.

Non-Profit Organizations


Colorado Horse Rescue (CHR) Colorado Horse Rescue provides shelter, care, rehabilitation and adoption services for abused, abandoned, neglected and unwanted horses.


 Wild Horse Foundation Promote the prevention of equine abuse and mistreatment. Believes in humane treatment and survival as an alternative to slaughter or public auction for abandoned, neglected and unwanted horses. They provide shelter, food, daily care, medical attention, rehabilitation and adoptions for horses in need of refuge.


Equine Industry


American Horse Council (AHC) The AHC is totally member supported by individuals and organizations representing virtually every facet of the horse world from owners, breeders, veterinarians, farriers, breed registries and horsemen’s associations to horse shows, race tracks, rodeos, commercial suppliers and state horse councils.


Horse Health


Horse Barn Fires: An Avoidable Tragedy One of the worst possible nightmares for a horse owner is to see the glow of a barn fire in the night sky. The real tragedy of most barn fires is that they probably could have been prevented with a few precautionary steps.


Gene Ovnicek’s Hope For Soundness Gene Ovnicek pioneered some of the first studies of wild horse feet (hoves) and how their shape relates to domestic horses. Best source for tools to treat founder.


Equine Lameness Prevention Organization Dedicated to providing horse owners, trainers, farriers and veterinarians with information and education to treat and ultimately prevent lameness in horses.


Infovets Online source for a wide variety of veterinary information on horses, cattle, dogs and cats as well as sheep and goats.

American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) The AAEP mission is to improve the health and welfare of the horse, to further the professional development of its members, and to provide resources and leadership for the benefit of the equine industry.


Horse Related Sites of Interest


The Miniature Horse Articles, pictures, information, events listings and more about miniature horses.

The International Museum of the Horse The largest and most comprehensive equestrian museum in the world. It is dedicated to telling the intriguing story of the horse and his relationship with man.


The Kentucky Horse Park is a thousand and thirty acre educational theme park. It was created to honor the animal whose name has become synonymous with the Bluegrass state.


Florida Horse Large number of Florida horse related resources.


Horse Events


Rocky Mountain Horse Expo



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